
FREE Upgrade on AKCP sensorProbe+ Environmental Monitoring Systems

Cost-effective Environmental Monitoring Solutions for Server Rooms and Data Centres

AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest manufacturer of professional monitoring solutions, have announced a free upgrade for their sensorProbe+ SP1+ and SP2+ environmental monitoring systems.

The PRO upgrade provides users with extended features ideal for monitoring more complex server rooms and data centres, giving access to thermal cabinet mapping, IPV6, SNMPv3 and VPN communications and user accounts. The PRO version also include 5 free virtual sensors for monitoring third-party devices (via Modbus or SNMP GET). On the SP2+ model, the PRO license also unlocks 2 further intelligent sensor ports expanding the unit to a 4 sensor port system.

The AKCP SP1+ is a compact, robust sensor monitoring device, ideal for server rooms, wiring closets and other applications where a small number of sensors are needed. Equipped with a dry contact I/O, an intelligent sensor port, and features a built-in temperature sensor, or temperature and humidity sensor on a fixed 5ft cable, allowing it to be precisely placed where needed. A locking DC power jack secures the power supply ensuring accidental unplugs do not occur.

The AKCP SP2+ is the big brother of the SP1+, with 4 intelligent sensor ports, and a built-in buzzer for audible alerts. With the addition of a 4G cellular data modem the device is ideal for remote sites where primary network communications may be unstable, or not available.

Both devices come with a 5year warranty and optional 1year free use of the AKCP Cloud Server for up to 5 units, as well as having their own graphical user interface if utilszed on a closed network.

Server Room Environments Ltd are the AKCP partner for the UK, providing next day deliveries from stock, support and installation services.

For more information contact Server Room Environments Ltd https://www.serverroomenvironments.co.uk/akcp-uk Tel: 0800 030 6838 or Email projects@serverroomenvironments.co.uk

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