Facilities for the Disabled


1502-clos-o-mat-palma-altonA ‘mix and match’ package is enabling operators of buildings to which the public have access to optimise the inclusivity of toilets and washrooms.

Clos-o-Mat, the UK’s largest supplier of specialist toileting solutions for disabled people, has devised a solution that encompasses options from a basic Building Regulations Approved Document M toilet, through to an all-encompassing hygiene room.

Disabled people account for a UK spend of £80b pa, and research shows for the average business, some 20% of the customer base is disabled. It is therefore sound commercial sense to accommodate the needs of disabled people- including personal hygiene- in any environment to which the public have access- from a coffee shop to tourist attraction or major public building.


“Under the 2013 Building Regulations Approved Document M, toilet accommodation needs to be suitable not only for disabled people, but for all people who use the building. Further, it is ‘desirable’ to include an enlarged unisex toilet incorporating an adult sized changing bench (hygiene room),” elaborates Clos-o-Mat Marketing Manager Robin Tuffley

“In an ideal world, accessible toilets would be a minimum 12m2, and include a hoist, height adjustable changing bench, height adjustable basin and height adjustable automatic (wash and dry) toilet. But we live in the real world. In the real world, many current ‘Document M’ toilets are actually not compliant, or still make it difficult for some people to use them. Budgets and space inevitably impact on toilet provision.

“Our in-house expertise and breadth of offering means we can work in partnership with the venue to deliver a ‘best value’ solution that meets legal requirements, and budgetary, space and ethical considerations, whilst still giving as many users as possible appropriate toilet facilities.

Under the package, Clos-o-Mat can provide design advice, supply, install, commissioning and maintenance of fixtures and fittings required to create a Document M toilet through to a fully-equipped hygiene room or Changing Places toilet.

Clos-o-Mat has a 50+ years-long proven track record on the supply and installation of fully accessible toilets, and hygiene rooms, including a substantial number of Changing Places facilities. Its ability to deliver design advice, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance across the ambit of accessible toileting equipment, including the Clos-o-Mat wash and dry (automatic) toilet, means it is uniquely positioned to simplify the whole process for forward-thinking environments to which the public have access.

Tel 0161 969 1199; www.clos-o-mat.com; e: info@clos-o-mat.com


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